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Zážitkové kurzy kreativitity / podnikavosti pro SŠ

The goal of the course is to help secondary school students develop their creativity, initiative and entrepreneurship – key competencies for the 21st century. As part of this activity, methodological and lecturer support is provided to secondary schools – during the initial implementation of these approaches, during follow-up teaching and their further development.

The program is intended for secondary schools in the Zlín Region and works with topics such as discovering business opportunities, using personal talents for self-employment, quality of life in the region, etc.

Petr Konečný
Technology Innovation Center

Petr Konečný

+420 739 570 790 konecny@ticzlin.cz


I am
medium company
research organization
self-employed person
small company
and I am interested in
creativity and entrepreneurial spirit
research and development
coaching and expansion
human potential
public in the zlín region